What’s On: Garden Design Events and Training

June - July 2024

Garden Masterclass: FLOW - Ecological Design Process Workshop

21st - 22nd June

This practical workshop will explore Nigel Dunnett's conceptual landscape design process. Participants will create conceptual spatial designs rooted in the science of ecology, that form the basis for further vegetation and planting design development.


Conference; Greater & Greener

21st - 25th June

International event held in Seattle this year for all professionals

involved in creating and maintaining urban parks. It features a mixture of classroom and experiential sessions.


Mein Ruys Garden Day

27th June



New Brownfield Landscapes - with John Little

5th July

Over 20% of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) are on land we have previously trashed. Why are these seemingly devastated places fast becoming the most precious and biodiverse parts of our landscape? We look at how we can embed the structural and substrate diversity of the open mosaic landscape into our gardens and public space. How do we add joy, design and colour to make new brownfield places for people as well as wildlife? John enlists the help of his entomologist friend James McGill and in the 4 acres of trial gardens at John's home we explore how new landscapes can and should become our new nature reserves. @ John Little Garden, Horndon-on-the-Hill, Essex

Serge Hill Project - Plant Library Workshop

24th July


May - June 2024

Sardinia as inspiration for C21st climate change planting

15th May 09:00 - 16th May 17:00 BST

Sardinia has a flora of approximately 2400 species and a high percentage of endemic species not found anywhere else. With its high mountains it provides a cross section of climates from the frost free Mediterranean at low altitudes to montane climates which are more akin to more northern parts of Europe.  As a result it provides a fascinating series of timelines when thinking about climate change in Britain over the next 50 years.  The Mediterranean is always stereotyped as sparse plants in poor dry soils, but clearly there are a range of habitats from the Mediterranean wet through to the dry, and in this workshop we will try to interpret the needs of the plants in these different habitats in relation to designed landscapes, to help designers strategise how to create more climate friendly plantings.

More information

Cut for more: Summer pruning in practice, a full day event with Caroline Jackson and Maurice Foster.

6th June Day Workshop

Talks, demonstrations and guided practical training by gardener and teacher Caroline Jackson and Maurice Foster. Please bring your own secateurs with you. The focus will be on the pruning of spring and early summer-flowering shrubs, such as Deutzias and Philadelphus, plus the formative pruning of young trees for specific effects.

Arrive at 9.30 full day from 10-5pm, bring your own picnic lunch (tea and coffee provided all day).

More information

Delos, Harold and Vita's Forgotten Garden with Dan Pearson and Troy Scott-Smith

7th June, Sissinghurst

14:30 - 21:30

Troy will give an illustrated talk exploring the creation of Sissinghurst garden by Vita and Harold and the changes that have occurred since the passing of the garden to the NT, he'll discuss the challenges of looking after an historic garden and his work since he arrived as Head Gardener in 2013 and Dan Pearson’s involvement as Garden Godparent/Advisor.  Following the lecture there will be a tour of the garden with Troy, after tea we’ll be joined by Dan to visit Delos.

In the early evening we´ll have a private garden tour of Delos with Dan and Troy, who will describe their collaboration and the realisation of the project, bringing back to life a garden conceived by Vita and Harold back in 1935 after they visited the Greek Island, but never realised. We will conclude the evening with supper together at Sissinghurst.

More information

James Hitchmough at Knepp Walled Garden

10th June, Knepp Castle

10:00 - 10:30

Spend the day with Prof. James Hitchmough and head gardener Charlie Harpur in the walled garden at Knepp Castle, to explore the possibilities of supporting life in designed plantings whilst at same time creating something beautiful. Much of the planting here is on demolition waste dumped onto the former croquet lawn! The workshop will examine the theory behind doing this, and what this means for design, and asking what might actually rock up (both animals and plants) to live in these plantings?  James will focus on ecological theory, design principles, and substrate selection in the context of climate change. 

Charlie will share his experience on the management of the garden and inform us on the results of what has actually been recorded as living here. Part of the day will be a participatory workshop which will involve a critique of areas of the garden, and an exercise in planting design to further improve visual impact and potential biodiversity.

More information

April 2024

April 4th


Nick Mace: Pan Global Plants “ On Trees, Shrubs and the Alchemy of Change”

Arts and Crafts Manor House, Rodmarton, near Cirencester.


April 15th

Garden Masterclass

Cassian Schmidts, Professor of Planting Design: Online Presentation “Dry Habitat and the Garden”

Looking at dry habitats in a variety of countries and the planting he has designed.


April 18th-21st

RHS Urban Show

New Royal Horticultural Show will be held at the Depot Mayfield Manchester.

nursery displays, design ideas, workshops and talks.


April 26th

Online Course

In cultivating and creating gardens and fashion of the Georgian and Regency period. Garden historian Twigs Way will set out the interplay between fashion in garden design and planting, textiles and culture.



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